Sunday, September 23, 2012

Welcome to the Inn and let me tell you a story....

Welcome to Maggie’s Raggedy Inn a house of stitches and stories. This is a special place where you will meet some very interesting people whose lives may reflect your own or people that you know.
 Imagine yourself standing in front of an old wood frame house with a huge wrap around veranda. You can see that the building has been newly painted and fixed up.  There are flower beds everywhere and then you see a weather beaten stone path leading up to the front door.  There are two large rocking chairs on each side of the entrance that invites you to stay awhile. Once you step inside the building you feel that you are entering into another time, for this place reminds you that have found your way back to the comfort of home.  There is a fire burning in the fireplace in one corner of the large room enticing you to seek out its warmth. In the opposite corner you see table where people are softly talking in private conversations. Above a large wooden counter hangs an old fashion menu board with the specials of the day.  You spot the butterscotch pie and suddenly you feel the need to sit and spoil yourself with this homemade treat. Everything in the room is comforting and peaceful.  For some strange reason, you feel somewhat tired and seek to forget from where you came. You know that you have reached the place that you have dreamed about; you have found your escape from all that ails you. You have come home.  Sit down and stay awhile.....................................

Who was Annie Wright ? Part two.......
 Bess followed Mrs. Lawler into the kitchen.   Even at this hour of the morning, the Inn seemed to be busy as  coffee was being prepared and plates of toast and eggs were being taken from the kitchen to waiting visitors in another room. Apparently she was receiving special privileges because a place had been set for her at the kitchen table. 

 Little was said as she ate her breakfast for Mrs. Lawler was busy travelling in and out of the kitchen herself. She could hear her laughing with visitors that were checking out  and talking with others in the dining room. She seemed to be a woman with a lot of energy and Bess could not help but smile as she remembered her mother saying that Jessie Lawler had been her one true friend that had always been there for her because she had taken the time to show up.  Apparently she had had her share of troubles and after dealing with a broken heart, she had told her mother that she would never depend on another man for the rest of her life. She had inherited her parent's house and had borrowed enough money to turn it into an Inn in what was practically a ghost town. Everyone had told her she was crazy and that she would  never get people to come to such a remote little Inn, yet she had been determined and from what Bess was witnessing this morning, she had succeeded. She seemed to be an interesting woman  and Bess hoped to find out more about her as well as what she knew about the book her mother had written  years ago.

Her thoughts drifted back to her mother, her best friend and the woman that had always been there for her.  The only comfort she had, was that her mother had not suffered before dying. A massive heart attack had taken her  that morning. She had been speaking to her the night before and she seemd to be fine. Bess had been dealing with her issues and her mother's final words to her was that she understood. It had comforted Bess because she seemed to have always understood her daughter no matter what she was going through. She had listened to  her without making judgements, without making her feel guilty, without any I told you so speeches. Bess had been lucky to have her for a mother, yet it made the loss so much harder. She missed her deeply and even though it had been almost six months since she was gone, the tears still fell and the pain was at times overwhelming.

To find herself this morning at a small country Inn in the country was an attempt to connect with her mother's past. She thought she knew her so well, yet after finding the hand written book, it left  many questions that she had to find the answers for, if she was ever to accept her death.

"Bess, follow me and I will show you where your room is upstairs. I hope that you will enjoy your stay and I promise that I will sit with you this afternoon and we will have time to talk. You can make yourself comfortable and enjoy the library or go for a walk for their are several paths around the Inn and I promise you that they all lead back to here, so don't worry about getting lost. Here is your key and if you need anything just ask, for we want our guests to feel like they are home here with us."  Mrs. Lawler turned and went downstairs. Bess looked around her room and was taken in by the warmth of the decorating touches that had been used to make it feel welcoming. The old walls had been painted in a soft white and  the antique furniture added a comfortable feeling to the room. Even though it was late September, the window was open and the soft white curtains moved slightly in the warm breeze. An old white whicker rocking chair with a pale green aftgan caught her attention and beckoned her to sit and rock, something she had not done for a long time.  It seemed that life no longer offered such  soothing comforts. Placing her overnight bag on the dresser, she opened it and took out the old manuscript  that her mother had written.

Sitting down in the rocking chair, she began to read the mysterious words her mother had written so long ago......  A woman's life is never as it seems, for we are the keeper's of many secrets........................

To read Part 1  please visit the previous blog post.......

 Please  come back again as I tell the story of Annie Wright.

You can also find another ebook about  a fabled love story

Visit the gift shop at the Inn

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